Currency Converter In-Page - Standard

Inserting the Input Page code

This currency converter can be displayed within your own webpage by simply adding the code below into your HTML. Just click the 'Highlight All' button and copy (Hold Ctrl + C) and paste into your page's code between the <body></body> tags.
Copy and paste the code below between the <body></body> tags of your webpage

After you have inserted the code snippet from above, your webpage should look like this example. At this point, your stndard In-page Currency Converter should be fully functional. If you wish to make customisations, follow the optional instructions below.

Customising The Appearance

If you would prefer to integrate this currency converter into the design style of your site more, add the above code and modify the 'look and feel' of your input page in any way you desire. Just ensure you abide by our Website Terms.
Note: Do not modify the form variables from what is provided in the above code sample.

Customising the Results Page (optional)

The results page of your Currency Converter can be customised from the default style to look more like the rest of your website. Incorporate any or all of the variable options below, once you have pasted the code from above into your webpage.

1. Add your own background (optional - default is white). Look for the following code...
<input type="hidden" name="Background" value="Add your own background URL here in full">
and change the value URL to your preference.

2. Add your own banner / logo (optional) . Look for the following code...
<input type="hidden" name="Banner" value="">
and change the value URL to your preference.

3. Change the link of the banner (optional). Look for the following code...
<input type="hidden" name="URL" value="">
and change the value URL to your preference.

4. Add your own comment / title (optional). Look for the following code...
<input type="hidden" name="Comment" value="Your Company Currency Converter">
and change the value text to your preference.

5. Add the partner id. Look for the following code...
<input type="hidden" name="pid" value="">
and change the value text according to your partner id.

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